VR Plant Journey
VR Plant Journey
VR Plant Journey
In this award nominated virtual reality adventure, you’ll explore the inner workings of a canola plant from root to flower. What does canola need to thrive optimally? Learn about the processes in plant cells, playfully help it grow, and become an excellent plant scientist.
Available for private and commercial use on Steam/Steam Cafe, SynthesisVR and SpringboardVR. Get your VR Plant Journey by click on the store or contact us.
Together with plant researchers:inside the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Breakpoint One and Simmation have created a high-quality educational experience. VR Plant Journey “Die Reise in die Pflanze” teaches children biological knowledge in a playful way. Thanks to fully immersive virtual reality (VR), players:inside are completely immersed in the inner workings of a canola plant, experience the events up close and can even control them.
In three chapters – root, leaf and seed – you test out how an optimum of nutrients must be regulated for the development of plant organs. The unusual learning unit is lightened up by playful elements. In the leaf, for example, chloroplasts are thrown with the basic substances of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water; in the root, ammonium and nitrate, important plant nutrients, have to be assembled; and in the seed, oil bodies have to be hit with a bow and arrow so that they grow.
The high-quality implementation of the concept is reflected in several internationally renowned award nominations: 2019 for the VR now Award “Best Learning Solution”, 2020 for the Auggie Award “Biggest Societal Impact” and 2020 for the Laval Virtual Award in the category: “VR/AR for Learning and Training”.
In Cooperation with Simmation and the The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) we created a VR experience for the exhibition Ideen Expo 2019 in Hannover. Over 1000 kids have had a lot of fun and learned something about plant research on three stations with a free roam setup and a wireless HTC Vive Pro.
READ MOREA great example for an edutainment product is our actual “VR Plant Journey” experience. An interactive experience was created that brings children closer to the topics of biology and plant research in a playful way. This development was part of our AVATARS research project. The experience is nominated for 2 awards.

VR Awards 2021 Nominee
Category: “VR Education and Training of the Year”
more about https://vrawards.aixr.org/finalists-2021/
Laval Virtual 2020 Nominee
Category: “VR/AR for Learning and Training”‘
More about the Laval Virtual event and the Awards https://www.laval-virtual.com/
VR NOW 2019 Nominee
more about the VR NOW https://www.vrnowcon.io/
Press release IPK