UNCCD COP16 Navigator
Breakpoint One supports all kinds of live events like festivals, concerts, street parades or sporting events. Integrate your performances with Augmented Reality and control them live. The future is now.
Our competency is strongest in the development of high-performance real-time computer visualizations, graphical algorithms and user interfaces up to complete 3D graphics engines as well as their integration into complex 3D applications.
Breakpoint One supports all kinds of live events like festivals, concerts, street parades or sporting events. Integrate your performances with Augmented Reality and control them live. The future is now.
We realized an installation for Huawei at the Argentina Game Show. We created an interactive Augmented Reality experience.
Advanced Virtuality and AugmenTed Reality AppRoaches in Seeds to Seeds – is a BMBF-funded project with 5 years of funding started in June 2019.
Breakpoint One GmbH
Hufelandstraße 34
10407 Berlin
AR / VR Consulting
Technical Feasibility Studies
Project Supervision
Technical Consulting & Due Diligence
AR / VR-Development
3D and Data Visualization
Mobile-, Desktop-, Web-Development