Science and Research – AVATARS Project – VR & AR & Big Data
Advanced Virtuality and AugmenTed Reality AppRoaches in Seeds to Seeds – is a BMBF-funded project with 5 years of funding started in June 2019.
Advances in omics´ analyses and high-throughput plant phenotyping offer unprecedented opportunities for crop improvement, but the enormous increase in data volume and complexity bears excellent challenges for data analysis, visualization and interpretation. The AVATARS project will use novel approaches for data integration and visualization based on modelling and on mixed reality to make data more accessible, to select relevant information in the multidimensional data space at various levels of resolution, and to perform analyses efficiently.
Data visualization as well as it’s efficient analysis – and with that winning knowledge about the data source – is a big theme because of the massive amounts of data we are already collecting in all fields of science. To use this data for gaining knowledge and make the world a better place is the most vital thing we need to develop.
We are deeply touched and grateful to have won an award with the AVATARS project. This motivates us even more to work together with our partners on innovative solutions for plant research.
Project PArtners
Advances in omics´ analyses and high-throughput plant phenotyping offer unprecedented opportunities for crop improvement, but the enormous increase in data volume and complexity bears excellent challenges for data analysis, visualization and interpretation. The AVATARS project will use novel approaches for data integration and visualization based on modelling and on mixed reality to make data more accessible, to select relevant information in the multidimensional data space at various levels of resolution, and to perform analyses efficiently.
To meet the challenges, novel approaches for data integration and visualization are needed that allow efficient navigation, analysis and exploration. As a solution, AVATARS will create an interactive environment based on techniques of advanced virtual and augmented reality (AV/AR) to make data more accessible. This virtual environment will allow users to easily navigate through the multidimensional data space across various levels of resolution to select important information and to efficiently perform analyses. Hence, it will serve as an efficient tool for hypothesis generation and decision-making.
More information about this project can be found on the AVATARS project page.
Papers & Publications
Immersive Analytics of Heterogeneous Biological Data Informed through Need-finding Interviews
Christine Ripken1, Sebastian Tusk1, Christian Tominski21Breakpoint One GmbH, Berlin, Germany2Institute for Visual & Analytic Computing, University of Rostock, Germany
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